City Scores

The open space in a city is co-designed by official urban planing and non official interventions of its residents. The act of using public space for your own needs  is an act of affiliation.

As a migrant i feel that  my connection to the surrounding in which i did not grew up needs to be created actively and devotional.


As a result of this realization i experienced with collecting wiled herbs.

The experience was a graet step for me into the feeling of knowning my surrounding and being comfortable in the nature that is different then the one i know.



I wish to assemble activities and actions that create  affiliation to a sounding in a playful and aesthetic way.

For this i adapted  a form that is common in the performance art, the score. Taken from the musical partitur, the score is a short instruction for a performance that aims to be specific enough to be understood and open enough to be adapted and preformed by anyone.

Yoko Ono wrote in the 60ts scores for conceptual art, some more abstract and some less. These are gathered in the bookk “Grapefruit”.

For my own City-Explorer-Designer scores i listed my rules an wishes:

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