Category: Cristina Muto

GRILL SPOT – final concept

Grill Spot is the one stop shop for having a great barbecue.

Grill Spot is constructed from a standard shipping container so that the grills and charcoal are protected from weather and can be easily locked up at night. These shipping containers are already being used for small kiosks in parks throughout Berlin.
With this service, Berliners can meet their friends at the park for a barbecue and all they have to bring is the food they want to eat.
Let’ s see how it works:








When you arrive in the park you will find the Grill Spot in the centre of the barbecue area. Here you can loan a barbecue and buy charcoal.











The bright pink color of the grills indicates that they are to be shared with others when all of the grills from the Grill Spot are in use. Opening up the barbecue group through sharing a grill encourages forming new relationships.












The Grill Spot system includes a metal bin specifically for disposing hot charcoal. This helps reduce the risk of fire outbreak.













No need to clean the grill, Grill Spot will take care of that for you!













Park goers can donate a grill to the Grill Spot instead of throwing it away when it’s no longer needed. Grill Spot will collect it and paint it . This way, other people can continue to use the grill again and again.






This could be implemented in Tempelhofer Feld, a park in Berlin that the city is already investing in as a public amenity. This system creates a grilling experience that will attract more visitors to the park. The charcoal vending machine will help generate money for the project.
Grill Spot could employ people from social integration programs or pension volunteers. This system could also be part of a sponsored partnership with a food or drink company (Fritz Cola, Lemon Aid or Berliner Bier for example).




Shared Grill- first experiment

For our experiment, we created a sign that said “Shared grill, join us!” to see if others would be willing to join in using our grill. For the second part of the experiment, we created an orphanage for the abandoned grills by using a sign that said “Take a grill, leave a grill”.

We were curious to see how people would react when we opened our bbq group. One group next to us asked if they could use our grill to cook their ribs, and we also got a thumbs up from a girl walking by.

Half way through our barbecue, we ran out of charcoal. We decided to try trading an extra beer we had to another group for some of their charcoal. They were very kind and didn’t want to accept the beer – they let us use their charcoal for nothing in return. Aside from this, It seemed that during a bbq, people are already in their small communities. Not everyone is interested in interacting outside of this community to create a new relationship. Instead, could this be successful with smaller groups of one or two people?

In addition, if people don’t know that this exists when they come to the park for the first time they wouldn’t know to bring food to the park. However, after this sort of system is permanently implemented in a park, people will be able to visit the park again knowing that they can bring food and use a shared grill.



Experiments in Görlitzer Park and in Volkspark Friedrichshain


Some questions we had before the second experiment were:

“Are people willing to use a grill that has already been used?”

“Will anyone leave their grill near our sign?”

Initially, people passing by read the sign and seemed to be surprised and delighted. Many people even stopped to take pictures.

In this park, there is no easy way to dispose of hot coals. Most coals are thrown in bins with other trash which could start a fire if the coals are still hot. Some people emptied their hot coals into the grill that we left by the sign.

One group did leave their grill here partially because they didn’t want to deal with the hot coals but also because they liked the idea that someone else could use the grill when they didn’t need it anymore.


Field observation in Thai Park

We wanted to observe different kinds of food-community gatherings happening in Berlin. Thai Park is a great example of a cultural food event that brings people together.


Here, we noticed that:

  • Almost all the vendors belonged to the same culture. It was easy to see that there was a strong community around this event.
  • The customers were of all cultures visiting the Thai Park.
  • The vendors were being creative by cooking with the minimum amount of tools and resources. They had a very simple, efficient, and organized system to prepare food.