Material experiments


Exerpts of some material experiments:

Right after the growing process, the cellulose consists of several layers which are not always fully connected with each other. This gets clear in the process of bathing the BC in sodium hydroxite. The gas that is released in the reaction between boiling water and sodium hydroxite causes some bubbles to blow up in the cellulose. In the drying process the layers connect strongly. The previous not-connectedness can be used to fill the spaces between layers for example with particles. I made this piece of cellulose magnetic by bathing it in a soulution with iron particles when it was still undried.



When dried on a particular surface, the cellulose takes the shape of that surface. This is one way to create three dimensional shapes from cellulose.




If a almost dried sheet of BC is attached to itself, the layers create a lasting connection. Even if the BC is dried already, it sticks strongly after being weted and attached.  This way you can for example create tobacco rolling papers without extra gluing surface or create any kind of shape.


The material folded and connected. It works well as a container for water even though it slightly dwells itself.

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