Guest Prof. Susanne Stauch, Social Transformation Design, UdK, initiator of the project and co-founder of the coop Supernova Institute, an incubator for transition and empowerment. 

Virginie Gailing, MA Stratetic Design, dedicated towards transition design, collaborative innovation and community projects and co-founder of the coop Supernova Institute.

Lawrence “Shabu” Mwangi, artist and co-founder of the community space and project Wajukuu based in Lunga Lunga, Nairobi, Kenya. 

Prof. Markus Bader, Architecture, UdK and one of the founders of famous Raumlabor in Berlin.

Nadia El-Imam, co-founder of the Edgeryders Community. Joining forces with on building an #OpenVillage in Kenya, implementing the outcome of this project.

Ibra Maina, man on the ground in Kibera and part of the Kounkuey Design Initiative in Nairobi, Kenya.