Category: Haus der Statistik

Friendly Weeds

Check it out our final presentation here!  

As a starting point for this project we asked ourselves: How to bring the wildlife back to the city?

In the initial part of the project we got especially inspired by café Botanico permacultural approach to urban farming. So, once we started to look through these glasses we were fascinated by the wildlife taking over the abandoned building and its surroundings. After collecting, identifying and researching the plants we started to map the wild edibles around HDS and its close neighborhood. The intriguing idea of public and free food was a carrier through this process. It was surprising that a lot of the wild vegetation that would usually be disregarded as undesirable weeds can actually be both healthy and useful! We agreed that information is the key to a better understanding of their value.

After the research phase we asked ourselves: How can we make those friendly weeds more appreciated around HDS?

Our idea is coexistence of nature/wildlife and the future inhabitants of HDS. We have thought about objects and actions which invites the wildlife to come and grow even more around HDS meanwhile provoking a transition in the perception of people. We want to create a value for the wildly growing plants instead of disgust or other associations people might usually have.



Presented here is a pillar that lifts up the plants from the ground and puts them into eld of vision for people passing by. Attached to the pillars are signs to provide information about the plants and their possible uses. The pillars rises awareness and changes the perception about these plants.

Along with the pillars we suggest perforated tiles, which fit into the raster of the standard ground tiles around HDS. The perforation enhance the possibilty for the wildlife to grow through in selected places.




We treat the wall in the inner yard in such a way that moss can grow up on it but in defined shapes. The green will replace the broken parts of the grout that fell down. This way wildlife and the building literally coexist.

As an overall strategy we thought of a color code to attract attention to the urban wildlife around HDS. Around the building we see a possibility for many small interventions that together will play a big role in enhancing the wildlife. The pink color is chosen contrast the green and to give a coherency to the di erent objects.







Transformation of the ‘Haus der Statistik’ into a green vertical graveyard, a place to celebrate life.


The ‘House of Roots’ gives you a feeling of peace and freedom. It is a place to remember your beloved ones and to value the beauty of life. The connection to nature is regrowing and the human body is committed to the circle of life again.


The building is transformed in 3 steps:


  • Opening up the first floor, leaving only the structural columns to support the building; room for a green and vivid park is created.


  • Changing the inner part of the building into a form of an ‘Atrium’. Therefore, a second facade is built; it can be used in addition to the outer facade.


  • Using the existing ornamental elements on the outer facade, making small changes and multiply these elements for the entire inner and outer facades. These boxes are used for the ‘green graves’.








The new process of Cryomation turns the dead body into a granular mass of 20 kg of sterile soil. It builds a perfect nuritrition soil and is used as a fertilizer for the chosen plant that grows on the ‘green grave’.








There are two kinds of plantations:


  • The ‘green grave’: plants which will grow inside the boxes. They represent the beloved person who has deceased. The type of plant is chosen by the deceased person’s family.


  • The ‘candle plant’: in front of the boxes inside the building, you can find a place to plant a seedling. The idea is based on the church’s spiritual significance of candles. The plants can be bought in a special part of the building.






The plant’s harvest is collected by the people who come to visit the ‘House of Roots’.

The system is built on trust.











Darja Studer, Anastasiia Baranova, Shir Loewenstein, Mario Wurm


What if …
… apocalypse?

End of the world. The „Haus der Statistik“ is the last remnant of land. The last opportunity to live. Transformed into a residential house, a machine, a complex for production, for surviving. The question about possibilities for every single person to prepare itself. What kind of resources has the Haus der Statistik to offer a self-sufficient way of life and in wich role are its inhabitants?


There is the situation of an apocalypse. A ficction. And a concept:

the „Haus der Statistik“ is an isolated island, surrounded by water. Using existing knowledge people are able to prepare themselves. Food and water is the most important part of surviving. To enable a varied production of different nourishments there is the need for space as well as the right knowledge of climate and air conditions. But it is not only food, but also social interaction, which is as important as sustenance. Living together in a limited space means that everyone has to know how to act in a collective.

To enable an essential food supply there is the need of high-tech equipments. Using the full depth of the building and to guarantee growth troughout the year there are special lights mounted to the ceiling. Special mirrors which are orientated in a specific order can help not to waste too much energy and to collect the light. As an example, the facade can be used to grow vine. To provide a wider range of supply the farm sector also offers space for livestock, like cows, pigs or chickens. Their excretion can be used as fertilizer for the plants.

Premise and base for the whole production is a large amount of energy, gained mainly by water, wind and sun. The interaction of windmills, solar panels and special indoor bikes provide electricity for the community. A large water pool on the rooftop collects all the rainwater. With a special filltration plant the water can be processed into drinking water and stored in large water tanks inside the building.


Sophia Branz / Julius Führer / Itirit Hatairatana / Patrick Hemmerden / Nina Vollbracht


Felix Deiters, Jeanne Astrup-Chauvaux, Frederik Reich and Maja Avnat

Germany has been cut off fossil fuel imports for four years now. The shock changed everything.
We quickly had to adapt our every life to these new circumstances : the breakdown of our transportation system, and the collapse of our food production chain.

Some people decided to move to the countryside to produce and live off the available land.
Consequently the cities were left less densely populated, but in desperate need of food and productivity.

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